Online Entries
Overall Instructions:
· You can enter both days on the same form if entering the same stake for both days (i.e. singles for both days). If you are entering different stakes (i.e. singles one day and open the next) you will need to fill out the form twice.
· When you go to pay you must select a quantity or it will register as zero and not go through to Paypal. If done on a phone, you may have to click on the payment section and then you should see a blue check mark in the upper left hand corner as well as the total cost change. The number on the right just shows how much the entry fee is and will not change.
· If the payment does not go through (the form will show a transaction ID and a total other than 0 if it went through) go back to the above website and try again.
**Please note - there is a $2 non-refundable processing fee per entry for using Paypal
· You can pay via cash or check the day of the trial but it must be received before roll call or your entry is invalid. Please bring exact change for cash as we will most likely not have change to give out.
AKC Lure Coursing – Sighthounds only Instructions
· If you have a First time entry, you can submit your AKC QC certificate or ASFA cert form electronically with the entry form.
ASFA instructions
· If you have a First time entry, you can submit your AKC reg certificate (or similar association) on the form you submit for your entry. For dogs entering open for the first time you can add the AKC QC and ASFA waiver form, or the ASFA cert at the same time. If doing this on your phone, you may find you can only submit one file, please email the rest to the FTS. FTS email can be found on the premium.
· For non-sighthounds, please fill out the LCI form
November 2nd & 3rd Trial
AKC Trial Entry:
AKC Payment Form:
ASFA Silken Windhound Specialty: